Rapture Consulting has successfully completed over 80 independent research projects since 2012
Understanding the digital needs of various business units in a cultural and arts centre to inform their website redesign.
Exploring snack food shopper behaviour and reactions to new savoury snack concept in France via mobile ethnography.
In-home packaging evaluation for a new snack concept using mobile ethnography in France and UK to refine design and inform pack messaging.
Usability testing of 3 different packaging formats for a confectionery brand by using mobile ethnography in Australia.
Blind testing of a new pet food product against a leading competitor based on in-home consumption via mobile ethnography in order to inform product refinements and marketing activities.
In-home testing of a new beverage concept across 3 countries to understand usability issues and drivers and barriers to purchase.
Identifying drivers and barriers associated with an Australian in-store retail promotion for a wholesale beverage company.
Understanding the information needs of international students and agents when comparing Australian courses and institutions to other countries via focus groups and in-depth interviews.
Using mobile ethnography to observe and understand how Asian parents promote the health and wellbeing of their children.
Using in-depth interviews to understand user information needs of a state-wide industry member website, including developing a set of user personas.
Examining consumer attitudes and behaviours toward purchasing confectionery as gifts in Australia for a global snack foods company.
Understand the journey of buying and using detergents utilising mobile ethnography in South America to identify marketing and product opportunities for a global consumer goods company.
Head to head comparisons of best selling drinks to reveal benefits, occasions, preparation, consumption habits and improvements to identify new product opportunities for a beverage company.
Understanding health conscious shoppers around the world (4 countries across 3 continents) and why they buy the products they do for a global breakfast and cereals company.
B2B customer satisfaction research investigating customer service, pricing, product performance and brand evaluation for a software manufacturer company.
Understanding purchase drivers and in-store decision making in relation to confectionery at Xmas time among Australians.
A deep dive into usage and attitudes toward hair care brands among hairdressers and consumers through the use of mobile ethnography.
An investigation into snack food sharing occasions and behaviours as well as in-store purchase drivers and barriers in the UK.
Website testing, journey mapping and developing personas for a public advisory body in Australia regarding emergency preparation information utilising user testing interviews.
Examination of attitudes and behaviours toward gifting in Asia using mobile ethnography for a global confectionery and foods company.
Understanding the minds of teens in the UK and their relationships with brands including which social and individual forces drove brand choices.
Exploring prospective and existing student needs, plus business stakeholder perceptions toward a tertiary university and courses via focus groups and in-depth interviews.
Using mobile ethnography to evaluate an existing frozen vegetable product, including feedback on a proposed packaging redesign.
Identifying drivers & barriers associated with customers shifting from a offline/F2F environment to an online/app based one for a gaming organisation.
Testing various new packaged meat concepts with Australian families by looking specifically at usage, pack preferences, purchase intent and brand fit.
Research to understand attitudes and behaviours toward shopping for groceries in convenience stores.
Intercepts to evaluate in-store customer experience and establish an Australian floor covering brand's unique selling proposition.
Customer value analysis for an Australian mining and earth-moving equipment provider in order to inform marketing communications and internal business strategies.
Skin care and beauty ritual research with consumers from India using mobile ethnography to identify new product opportunities for a pharmaceutical and packaged goods company.
Category attitudes & behaviours and concept testing a new product for a beverage brand via mobile ethnography in Australia.
UK yoghurt category exploration via mobile ethnography to understand store navigation, product discovery, in-home product consumption and opportunities for growth.
Brand evaluation & new product development opportunities for a national bakery chain in Australia via focus groups.
Christmas cake category exploration including product range evaluation, store layout and pricing in UK through the use of mobile ethnography.
Product and pack testing to understand drivers and barriers to use to improve sales for a snack food product in Australia.
Evaluation of in-store retailer promotions in the lead up to Father's Day for an Australian wholesale beverage company.
Exploration of pet owners perceptions toward pet food and their pet's enjoyment of food in UK.
Convenience store shopper journey research and POS evaluation for an Australian dairy brand via paired dyad interviews conducted in-store.
Shopper research exploring the liquid breakfast drink category to identify growth opportunities in Australian markets.
User testing with customers and in-depth interviews with internal stakeholders to inform the redesign of a website for a Queensland based regulatory body.
Testing multiple advertising concepts to ascertain which concept built greater brand awareness and had a stronger call to action for an Australian care-based service provider.
Evaluation of website content and information needs of users via in-depth interviews, focus groups and user testing for a Queensland state government department.
Concept testing a new beverage format in Australia involving taste perceptions, purchase consideration, pack evaluation, brand associations.